Posted by : Unknown Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Part One: Scope Creep

     There are a few common problems we often encounter and battle during the preconstruction process performing construction management in the Louisville, KY and the Southern Indiana region.
     Let’s talk about a major problem that has busted probably the most budgets across the country for school boards, county governments and all local leadership. The biggest challenge of keeping any construction project on budget is managing “Scope Creep.” Scope creep occurs when well-meaning architects and designers and the local government staff get carried away in the “visionary” stages and design process. Quickly the building begins to increase in square footage and cost as everyone’s wish list is fulfilled after years of working in what was oftentimes an older, small, inadequate space. 

     But local government projects like schools, jails and courthouses have a budget for a reason – usually it is all the community can afford or all the tax revenue stream available.
It’s pretty understandable as architects have been taught and trained to give the client exactly what they want from about the first day in architecture school. Unfortunately in the architecture profession often the designer that came up with the preliminary budget is different than the designer drawing the plans. Often times Shireman will have to be the “bad guy” in meetings with the architect or even save the local government staffers with big dreams - from themselves
     Shireman will help control scope creep by being the government’s voice in all design meetings, reminding the design team about cost issues and using our latest in house real construction costs to keep the budget on track. Value engineering of the design is also critical. We constantly review and update the project budget and propose alternative ways to achieve everyone’s goals.  Managing scope creep keeps everyone on the right track and leads a project to a financial success.

For more tips and tricks on local government construction and real life examples – see our website at

Check back next Tuesday (August 19th) for part two of the series.

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. The company I work wants to build another building for people to work in. We've been trying to find a construction project manager to take on the project and we've found a couple of options, but we want to see if we can find a few more options so we can see who will make our budget stretch the furthest. Are there any recommendations you would make to help us find someone?

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